
Fuzzy Programming Models for Vendor Selection Problem in a Supply Chain 被引量:2

Fuzzy Programming Models for Vendor Selection Problem in a Supply Chain
摘要 This paper characterizes quality, budget, and demand as fuzzy variables in a fuzzy vendor selection expected value model and a fuzzy vendor selection chance-constrained programming model, to maximize the total quality level. The two models have distinct advantages over existing methods for selecting vendors in fuzzy environments. A genetic algorithm based on fuzzy simulations is designed to solve these two models. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the algorithm. This paper characterizes quality, budget, and demand as fuzzy variables in a fuzzy vendor selection expected value model and a fuzzy vendor selection chance-constrained programming model, to maximize the total quality level. The two models have distinct advantages over existing methods for selecting vendors in fuzzy environments. A genetic algorithm based on fuzzy simulations is designed to solve these two models. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the algorithm.
出处 《Tsinghua Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS 2008年第1期106-111,共6页 清华大学学报(自然科学版(英文版)
基金 the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos.70471049 and 70571056)
关键词 vendor selection problem supply chain management fuzzy variable fuzzy simulation genetic algorithm vendor selection problem supply chain management fuzzy variable fuzzy simulation genetic algorithm
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