采用高效液相法同时测定止痢宁片中苦参碱和氧化苦参碱的含量。以Allttima Amino 100A为色谱柱,流动相:乙腈-无水乙醇-3%磷酸(78:11:11),流速:0.8mL·min^-1,检测波长:220nm。苦参碱的线性范围0.493-1.479μg,r=0.9997;氧化苦参碱的线性范围0.2054-0.7512μg,r=0.9994。平均加样回收率苦参碱为96.53%,RSD=1.83%;氧化苦参碱为95.02%,RSD=1.96%。本方法简便,专属,精密度好,分离效果好。
A HPLC method was established for the determinnation of matrine and oxymatrine in Zhilining Tablets. A Alhtima Amino 100A column was used with acetonitrile-ethyl alcohol-3% phosphoric acid solution (78 : 11 : 11) as mobile phase. The flow rate was 0. 8mL ·min^-1, and the detecting wavelength was 220nm. The liner range of matrine and Oxymatrine were 0. 4934 1. 479μg (r=0. 9997) and 0. 205440. 7512μg (r=0. 9994) respectively. The everage recovery rate and RSD were 95.63 %, 1.83 % and 95.02%, 1.96% respectively. The method is simple, specific, with good precision and separation result.
Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs