
视点相关排序的硬件Occlusion查询MC算法 被引量:1

An Approach for Hardware Occlusion Query of MC by View Dependent Sorting
摘要 移动立方体(MC)算法是一种高质量的面绘制方法,要对大量三角面片实现实时绘制和交互操作,因而速度慢,交互性不好;提出一种方法利用显卡硬件实现Occlusion查询,将MC算法生成三角面片分割标记到不同的cube后,基于视点距离对cube进行先后Occlusion查询,检测并剔除对最终图像没有贡献的三角面片;实验数据表明,提出的方法对大规模体数据集进行表面绘制,绘制速度和交互性都得到了明显提高。方法应用在"高级三维PACS工作站"系统上,进行医学CT图像的三维重建表面绘制,取得了良好的效果。 MarehingCube is a widely recognized method for high quality surface rendering. As a large amount of triangles are rendered immediately and need interactive operation, it results in low speed and poor interactivity. A method of using video card to implement occlusion query is given. Dividing triangles into different cubes, then occlusion querying these cubes according to the distance of viewpoint between cubes, testing and filtering the triangles which make no contribution to the final image to improve rendering and interactive operation. Experimental results suggest that the method can improve the surface rendering performance and interactive operation for large volume data. The method is used in "Advanced 3D PACS Workstation" and has got good results for 3D reconstructing (surface rendering) from medical images(CT).
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2008年第3期210-213,297,共5页 Computer Simulation
基金 广西青年基金(桂科青0542035) 广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科攻0632007-IG)
关键词 表面绘制 移动立方体 遮挡查询 缓冲区对象 Surface render MarchingCuLe (MC) Occlusion query Buffer object
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