
作物单片段代换系的构建及应用 被引量:17

Construction and Application of Single Segment Substitution Lines in Crops
摘要 准确鉴定和定位作物的数量性状基因位点(quantita tivetrait loci,QTLs)是分子标记辅助选择和基因克隆的基础,传统的分离群体遗传背景复杂,很难对单个数量性状基因位点进行准确鉴定和深入研究。单片段代换系具有片段单一、背景一致、遗传稳定等特点,能把复杂性状的基因分解为多个简单的孟德尔因子,在作物数量性状和基因功能的分子研究中将发挥重要的作用。文中概述了作物单片段代换系的构建方法和应用概况,讨论了单片段代换系库构建过程中存在的问题及潜在的利用价值。 Identification and fine mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) was the foundation of molecular marker-assisted selection and gene clone. It was difficult to fine map and further research the single QTL based on traditional segregating populations with the complex genetic background. QTLs can be divided into several simple Mendelian factors using single segment substitution lines (SSSLs) with the characterizations of single substituted segment, purifying of genetic background, genetic stability and so on. SSSLs will play an important role in molecular research of QTLs and function genome. Construction and application of SSSLs in crops was introduced, the potential value and the theoretical and practical problem which existed in SSSLs were also discussed in this paper.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2008年第3期67-71,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 河南省自然科学基金项目"基于单片段代换系剖分玉米的产量性状基因"(0611031100) 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师项目"玉米单片段代换系的基因鉴定与定位"
关键词 作物 导入系 代换系 单片段代换系 QTL crop, introgression line, substitution line, single segment substitution lines, QTL
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