
社会资本与关系导向对于营销渠道中企业之间沟通方式与策略的影响 被引量:32

The impact of social capital and guanxi orientation on interfirm communication in marketing channels
摘要 基于营销渠道中的沟通行为理论、社会学中社会资本理论以及中国文化环境下的关系概念和理论,通过假设检验,探讨了在中国的营销渠道中社会资本与关系导向对企业之间沟通方式与策略的影响.有以下三点主要结论:第一,一个企业的社会资本和关系导向只对该企业使用非正式的沟通方式有正向影响,对该企业使用正式的沟通方式则无显著影响;第二,一个企业使用的沟通方式或策略通常会导致另一方采用相同的沟通方式或策略做回应,不过作为一个例外,一方使用正式沟通方式中的强制性策略不仅会诱发另一方更多地使用正式强制性的沟通策略,也会增加另一方更多地使用非正式的沟通方式;第三,一个企业采用的沟通方式或策略不同,其合作伙伴对双方关系的感受有别,这种差别又会反过来影响合作伙伴对于沟通方式与策略的选择. Based on the concepts and theories of communication in marketing channels, social capital in sociology, and gnanxi in the context of Chinese culture, this paper investigates the impact of social capital and guanxi orientation on modes and strategies of interfirm commutation in the dyads of Chinese marketing channels. It is found that, firstly, a finn's social capital and guanxi orientation positively affect the finn's uses of informal communication but do not have significant influence on the finn' s uses of formal communication. Secondly, a finn' s mode or strategy of interfinn commutation would lead its partner to respond in kind, but as an exception, the finn's formal and coercive communication strategy not only stimulates its partner more likely to use formal and coercive communication, but also more likely to use informal communication. Thirdly, the variance of a finn's commutation modes and strategies would lead to the differences in its partner's perception of their dyadic relation, which in turn would have an impact on its partner' s choices of commutation modes and strategies. Theoretically, this paper fills a gap in the stream of literature by proposing and testing the impact of social capital and guanxi orientation on modes and strategies of interfinn commutation in marketing channels, and practically, its findings may help the managers to better communicate in Chinese marketing channels.
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期1-15,共15页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
基金 国家自然基金委和香港资助局联合资助项目(70318001,N-CityU127/03) 国家自然科学基金优秀创新群体资助项目(70121001)
关键词 社会资本 关系导向 营销渠道 跨组织沟通 social capital guanxi orientation marketing channel inter-organizational communication
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