
原文聚焦与译文选词——《红楼梦》文学翻译探讨 被引量:1

Source Language Text Focalization and the Diction in Translation——A Study of Literary Translation of Hongloumeng
摘要 依据尤金.奈达的社会符号学翻译理论,聚焦是叙事文学作品翻译中应当充分考虑的因素之一。原文聚焦与译文叙述之间存在着原文聚焦与原文叙述之间类似的辩证关系,即聚焦制约叙述,叙述体现聚焦。所以,译者应当结合聚焦的文内与文外理据,探索原文聚焦模式,并在此基础上对译文适当编码。本篇通过对比《红楼梦》杨、霍译本中典型选词的异同,着重探讨原文第三人称内聚焦模式与译文叙述中人称代词和名词之间的制约与体现关系。 From the perspective of the sociosemiotic translation theory introduced by Eugene A. Nida, the source language text (SLT) focalization should be taken into consideration in translation. In a narrative text focalization determines narration and the latter represents the former. And the thesis holds that a similar relation should also exist between the SLT focalization and target language (TL) narration. Therefore, the SLT focalization should be carefully studied through both the intra-text proofs and the extra-text proofs, based on which, an appropriate code might be chosen in the target language. To elaborate this, the thesis focuses its discussion on the dialectic relation between the internal focalization in third-person narration and personal pronouns as well as nouns in translation. And the sentences chosen for exemplification are taken from Hongloumeng and its two complete English versions contributed by Yang Hsien-yi and David Hawkes respectively.
作者 陈琳
出处 《安徽广播电视大学学报》 2008年第1期71-74,78,共5页 Journal of Anhui Radio & TV University
关键词 聚焦 叙述 社会符号学翻译理论 第三人称内聚焦 focalization narration the sociosemiotic theory of translation the internal focalization inthird-person narration
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  • 1Dan Shen, “Breaking Conventional Barriers: Transgressions of Modes of Focalization,” in Willie van Peer and Seymour Chatman (2001), 159-172.
  • 2Dan Shen, “Defense and Challenge: Reflections on theRelation between Story and Discourse,”Narrative, 10(2002) : 422-443.
  • 3Dan Shen, “Difference Behind Similarity: Focalization in First-Person Narration and Third-Person Grater of Consciousness“ in Acts of Narrative, edited by Carol Jaeohs and Henry Nksmlan, 81-92 (Stanford: Stanford UP, 2003).
  • 4Paul Simpson, Language, Ideology and Point of View(London: Routledge, 1993).
  • 5F. K. Stanzel, A Theory of Narrative (Cambridge:Cambridge UP, 1984).
  • 6Boris Uspensky, A Poetics of Composition (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973).
  • 7Willie van Peer and Seymour Chatman, eds., New Perspectives on Narrative Perspective (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001 ).
  • 8Robyn Warhol, “The Look, the Ptxty, and the Heroine of Persuasion, ”in Ambiguous Discourse: Feminist Narratology and British Women Writers, edited by Kathy Mezei (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,1996), 21-39.
  • 9William Nelles, “Getting Fcw..alization into Focus,” Poetics Today, 11 : 2 (1990):365-382.
  • 10Patrick O'Neill, Fictions of Discourse : Reading Narrative Theory (Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1994).











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