
“原罪”之后是什么——德国成长小说与犹太教交叉视野中的《失踪的人》 被引量:3

Der Verschollene:A German Novel of Formation and A Jewish Historic Story
摘要 卡夫卡的第一部长篇小说《失踪的人》在学界是一篇颇有争议的小说。以德国的成长小说为纵坐标,以圣经中的犹太人的历史故事为横坐标,将《失踪的人》中人的命运放到两者交叉所构成的张力场中去解读,结论是:《失踪的人》描写的是犹太文化视角中现代人的命运。卡夫卡在建立与德国传统的成长小说的关联的同时,却否定了传统成长小说的教育理想,把对个人命运的描写变成了对一类人的命运的描写;当他把这一描写放到犹太文化的大背景之下时,他甚至颠覆了写作本身。于是,再次起程的卡尔.罗斯曼显然不会像以色列先民那样,到达上帝发布训诫的地方,而是成为迷失在旅途中的永远的"失踪的人"。 Der Verschollene (Amerika), the first novel of Franz Kafka, has been extremely controversial in the academic circles. In this article, with trying to take the German novel of formation as ordinate and to take the historic stories of Jewish in the Bible as abscissa, it decodes the characters' destiny in the tension field which is formed by the crossing of the ordinate and the abscissa. And the conclusion is that Der Verschollene (Amerika) exhibits the modern people's destiny from the angle of Jewish. In his novel, the description of the individual turns out to be the description of the whole human beings, furthermore, when he puts this description against the major background of Jewish culture, he even overwhelms writing itself. Therefore, the restarting Karl Rothemund apparently would not act as his Jewish ancestors who arrive at the place of admonition, but come to be losing in his journey and become "Der Verschollene (Amerika)" forever.
作者 冯亚琳
出处 《四川外语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期29-33,共5页 Journal of Sichuan International Studies University
关键词 成长小说 犹太教 人的命运 the novel of formation Judaism people' s destiny
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