为了清晰地分析田间土壤养分空间变异,直观的展示农田养分的空间分布,为农田实施精准施肥管理及控制农业生产面源污染提供依据,利用3D Surfer软件中的5种插值算法实现对规则网格数据和散乱数据的插值处理,通过体成像功能来制作横向切片,实现对土壤不同深度硝态氮数据的三维可视化。选择绘制了0-200cm土壤不同层面NO3^--N含量的切片图来直观、清晰地反映太原市清徐县粮蔬轮作灌溉区域田块土壤NO3^--N的空间变异性。
In order to display nutrient spatial variability and provide nutrient management practice for specific field and minimum non- pollution resulted from agriculture, 3D Surfer software is employed in this paper to produce horizontal slices of NO3^- - N content in different soil layers, which were interpolated from scattered data by means of using five interpolation algorithms. Those different layer horizontal slices dearly show that, in addition to NO3^- - N accumulation in 0 - 20 cm soil layer, much more NO3^- - N accumulation in the soil layer of 160 - 180 cm, where the plant root can not reach. Further relative more NO3^- - N content was noticed at the end of irrigation water flow. This implies such irrigation practice nutrient spatial variability.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences