
新型超宽带雷达发射机技术 被引量:4

Novel Ultra-wideband Radar Transmitter Technology
摘要 对阶跃恢复二极管(SRD)在方波激励下的电特性作了较为深入的研究,根据SRD的特性将其等效为可变结电容和普通pn二极管的并联,可变结电容的模型以SRD的外特性实测数据为依据,用三段线性结电容来拟合SRD的结电容。提出了一种基于SRD、肖特基二极管和微带短路线产生超宽带(UWB)、单周期窄脉冲的方法,对窄脉冲产生电路的工作原理进行了理论分析和软件仿真,设计并实现了新型超宽带雷达发射机,经测试单周期窄脉冲的脉宽为400 ps,峰峰值为15 V,测试结果与分析仿真结果基本吻合,从而验证了SRD模型和对窄脉冲产生电路分析的正确性。 A research on the electric characteristic of step recovery diode (SRD) excited by square wave was done in depth. SRD was modeled as the parallel connection of a pn diode and a junction varactor. The model of the junction varactor is based on the tested data from the SRD characteristics. The junction varactor is fitted by three linear junction varactors. A method of generating ultra-wideband (UWB) monocycle short pulse based on SRD and Schottky diode was proposed. The operation theory of this method was analyzed theoretically and simulated in ADS. Novel UWB radar transmitter was developed. Through testing the pulse width of monocycle pulse 400 ps, and the amplitude of peak-topeak was 15 V. The test result is coincident with the simulated result, which proves the veracity of the SRD model and the analysis on short pulse generation circuit.
出处 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期240-243,共4页 Acta Armamentarii
关键词 雷达工程 单周期窄脉冲 阶跃恢复二极管 超宽带 发射机 radar engineering monocycle short pulse SRD UWB transmitter
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