
中国南方雪灾损失与保险补偿问题研究 被引量:9

A study on issues concerning the damages of snow storm and insurance compensation
摘要 2008年中国南方雪灾持续时间之长、影响范围之广、经济损失之大、危害程度之深,均为历史罕见。雪灾危机的成功化解,政府领导起了决定性的主导作用。作为国际上灾害损失补偿重要机制的保险,其功能并未充分彰显出来。在雪灾情形几近相似的异国他乡,1998年的北美雪灾有30%的经济损失得到保险补偿,2006年的中欧雪灾有50%的经济损失获得保险赔付,而目前中国的这一比例仅为1%。积极拓展包括雪灾在内的巨灾保险业务领域,建立不同形式、不同类别的巨灾保险基金,扩大巨灾保险的覆盖面,提高巨灾保险的渗透率,让保险这一高技术含量的现代风险管理方式惠及到所有面临巨灾风险威胁的中国人,乃是中国保险业以及国家管理者肩负的一项既紧迫又长远的历史责任。 A rare snow disaster hit south China from January 10 through February 2, 2008. Unusually long in duration and large in geographical extent, this disaster triggered extensive power outages across the impacted region, and about 10 percent of the forests in China were damaged. It is only through the efforts of government and its leaders that China have solved the snow disaster crisis. As one of the most important compensation mechanisms for disaster losses in the world, the insurance industry played a minor role. Compared to 30 percent of the 1998 ice storm in north America and 50 percent of the 2005/ 2006 winter in central Europe, merely 1 percent of direct economic losses were insured in China. Therefore it's an urgent need of building effective public - private partnerships for the development of natural catastrophe insurance in China. Enlarging business scope, creating catastrophe fund, extending insurance coverage, increasing insurance penetration are highly necessary. This is a long-term task of the government and the insurance industry.
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期11-20,共10页 Insurance Studies
基金 武汉大学保险经济研究所"2008年中国南方雪灾"课题组研究的集体成果 武汉大学保险经济研究所承担的国家科技支撑计划课题"综合风险防范救助保障与保险体系示范"下的子课题"综合风险防范保险管理与分析技术体系"(2006BAD20801-02)研究的阶段性成果。
关键词 雪灾 经济损失 保险补偿 巨灾风险管理 snow disaster economic losses insurance compensation catastrophe risk management
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