
武汉市石榴红农场休闲景观的游憩价值和存在价值估算 被引量:33

Measuring recreational value and existence value of agricultural land in Shiliuhong leisure farm in Wuhan
摘要 都市休闲农业将传统农业与旅游业结合,利用农田景观、自然生态及环境资源,融合农业生产、农村文化及农家生活等人文景观,为人们提供休闲、娱乐和游憩等多重功能。价值估算在对武汉市石榴红农场及182位样本游客调查的基础上,应用旅游成本法和条件价值评估法估算休闲农地景观的游憩价值和存在价值。研究结果表明:(1)从传统的种植单位转型为以休闲度假、农事体验、农业观光为主的农业园区,石榴红休闲农场的经营效益明显,单位用地效益较传统蔬菜种植收益(22990.26元/(hm.2a))净增1.6倍,但其带给消费者的更多的是目前无法通过市场配置的非市场价值。(2)利用TCM评价出石榴红农场2006年的总游憩价值在5057.99×104元,人均消费者剩余(consumer surplus,CS)2809.99元,约为游客平均游玩费用的36.71倍;农地景观单位游憩价值334905元/(hm.2a),是休闲农业经济产值(60000元/(hm.2a))的5.58倍,游憩价值是农地景观价值构成中的重要组成。(3)从游客的支付意愿(willingness to pay,WTP)出发,应用CVM估算出石榴红休闲农地景观保存价值达117.92×104元/a,土地年均存在价值7808元/hm2。(4)农地景观的游憩价值及存在价值等非市场效益显著,然而在现行资源价值核算体系中却往往因缺失交易机制而被遗漏,意味着在土地分配决策与消费实践中,如果只单纯考虑经济产值,土地用途转换过程中将造成大量的社会福利损失。 Leisure agriculture integrates traditional agricultural production and tourism.It is a green industry.This agricultural land provides not only food and fiber,but also other benefits and services which have attributes of externalities and public-goods,such as regulating environmental functions,supporting wildlife habitats,and providing open space and recreational opportunities to residents and visitors.Due to inadequate market pricing on these related functions(i.e.non-market goods and services),it is difficult to directly obtain their values.Nonetheless,these functions are critically important to measuring the benefits and costs of converting agricultural land to urban uses.The travel cost method(TCM)and the contingent valuation method(CVM)are commonly used to value publicly provided outdoor recreation opportunities.TCM is an indirect technique for estimating user benefits from information on expenditures and observed behaviors while CVM is one of the most accepted,survey-based,techniques to assess non-use value of environmental goods.In this paper,the recreational value and existence value of leisure agricultural land in Shiliuhong leisure farm of Wuhan city were separately estimated using TCM and CVM.A total of 182 valid questionnaires for tourists were collected by random sampling at the Shiliuhong leisure farm during Oct.2006.Several conclusions can be drawn from this study.Firstly,recreational value of the leisure agricultural landscape is a significant part of the use value of the agricultural landscape.We use ex post TCM analysis to indirectly evaluate user benefits from visits to recreational sites showing that the recreational value of Shiliuhong farm's agricultural landscape was 5057.99×10^4 RMB in 2006,and the consumer surplus was 2809.99 RMB per capita.This is around 36.71 times the tourist's average travel cost.Secondly,existence value,the value of knowing that the agricultural landscape exists even when there is no intention of using it,is an important part of the non-use value for agricultural landscapes.Using CVM to estimate the existence value reveals an individual's willingness to pay to maintain or improve the agricultural landscape through a virtual market.The existence value of agricultural landscapes in Shiliuhong farm totaled 117.92×10^4 RMB in 2006;the existence value of leisure agricultural landscape was 7808 RMB per hectare per year.Thirdly,compared with conventional agricultural production,leisure agriculture provides direct economic benefits which are 2.6 times the economic value of conventional agricultural production.Besides that,as shown by empirical study,the leisure agricultural lands generate positive non-market values,we estimate that the recreational value and the existence value of leisure agricultural land are 5.58 times and 34% of the economic value of conventional agricultural production.Finally,because our results show that non-market value is a very important part of agricultural land value,the true value of agricultural land may be underestimated and lost if the positive non-market values associated with agricultural land are not included in the decision-making of rural-urban land conversion.We conclude that the non-market value should be considered by decision makers when agricultural lands are converted to urban and other uses.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期1201-1209,共9页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70273012 70373054) 国家教育部哲学与社会科学重大课题攻关资助项目(04JZD0008) 国家教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-04-0738)资助项目~~
关键词 休闲农地 游憩价值 存在价值 旅游成本法(TCM) 条件价值评估法(CVM) leisure agricultural landscape recreation value existence value travel cost method(TCM) contingent valuation method(CVM)
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