
基于模糊理论的无刷直流伺服系统定位控制 被引量:1

Target Positioning Control for Brushless DC Servo System Based on Fuzzy Theory
摘要 分析了无刷直流伺服系统的制动过程,提出了一种基于模糊控制的位置定位方法。该方法采用两段式制动方式,首先对系统进行能耗降速,然后利用反接制动实现快速定位。根据反接前电机速度与直流母线电流设计模糊控制器对反接制动力矩进行控制。在dSPACE半实物仿真平台上,实现了基于无刷直流电动机的高速工业平缝机快速定位控制,实验结果验证了该定位方法的准确性和有效性,其定位精度可达±2°。 The braking process for the positioning control of brushless DC servo system was analysed, and a braking scheme based on fuzzy control was proposed in this paper. The proposed braking approach was derided into two phases. First ,the high- speed system was decelerated by energy -consummed braking; then, the reverse braking which was determined by the motor - speed and motorg DC - bus current based on fuzzy theory was applied to control the target positioning. With the Hardware -in- the -Loop Simulation (HILS) tool dSPACE, the industral sewing system based on brushless DC motor achieved the precise control of needle position with the error of ± 2°. The experiment results verified the nicety and validity of the proposed method.
机构地区 电子科技大学
出处 《微特电机》 北大核心 2008年第3期22-24,28,共4页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
关键词 无刷直流电动机 定位控制 反接制动 模糊控制 brushless DC motor target positioning control reverse braking fuzzy control
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