

An Enhanced High Speed TCP Congestion Control Algorithm
摘要 Sally Floyd提出的高速TCP拥塞控制算法能提高TCP在高速网络中传送数据时的性能,但高速TCP与普通TCP(以目前使用最广泛的Reno TCP为例)共存时存在公平性的问题。本文系统研究了高速TCP拥塞控制算法,分析了高速TCP与Reno TCP共存时的公平性与效率性,提出了一种改进的高速TCP拥塞控制算法。最后,通过仿真证明该算法有效地改进了高速TCP与Reno TCP共存时的性能。 The high speed TCP congestion control algorithm brought forward by Sally Floyd, It can improve capability of TCP in high speed network, but there are some fairness problem between the high-speed TCP and common TCP (e. g. the most popular Reno TCP) when they are used in a single network. This issue studies the theory of high speed TCP congestion control algorithm and analyses the fairness and efficiency, and brings forward an enhanced high speed TCP congestion control algorithm.
机构地区 成都大学
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期36-38,共3页 Computer Science
关键词 TCP拥塞控制 高速TCP 公平性 效率性 TCP congestion control, High speed TCP, Fairness, Efficiency
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