
应用输出系数模型估算长江上游非点源污染负荷 被引量:80

Application of Export Coefficient Model in Simulating Pollution Load of Non-point Source in Upper Reach of Yangtze River Basin
摘要 本文在已有研究的基础上,利用输出系数模型,对2000年长江上游的非点源污染进行了空间模拟和负荷估算。模拟结果表明,在不考虑流域损失的情况下,2000年长江上游的TN负荷为194.737万t,TP负荷为8.365万t。就省份和水系二者而言,四川省以及金沙江水系和嘉陵江水系对长江上游的非点源污染贡献较大。就负荷强度而言,重庆市和嘉陵江水系单位面积的非点源污染负荷最高,应是今后重点治理地区。 Water quality modeling is an important tool to assess the health of a watershed and to make necessary management decisions to control existing and future pollution of receiving water bodies. The existing export coefficient approach is practical due to minimum data requirement. Based on export coefficient model, the non-point source (NPS) pollution load in upper reach of Yangtze River Basin was estimated and its spatial distribution in 2000 was simulated with RS and GIS techniques. Results indicate that the load of TN and TP is 1.947×10^6 and 8.365×10^4 tons respectively. Sichuan province, Jinsha River and Jialing River are important contributories. Intensity analysis of NPS pollution load shows that Chongqing city and Jialing River watershed are the two highest NPS pollution load contributors. More attention should be paid to these areas in the future.
出处 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期677-682,共6页 Journal of Agro-Environment Science
基金 国家973课题(2003CB415204)
关键词 长江上游 非点源污染 输出系数模型 地理信息系统 upper reach of Yangtze River Basin non-point source pollution export coefficient model geographic information system (GIS)
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