
数量折扣契约对三阶层供应链的协调 被引量:15

Coordination in the Three-level Supply Chain by Revenue Sharing Contracts
摘要 研究了数量折扣契约对三阶层供应链的协调问题。首先针对供应链系统的全局协调,得出了契约参数以及最优订购量;引入利润分配系数,得出实现供应链完美协调的条件。通过数值实验得出如下结论:三阶层供应链的数量折扣契约下,制造商和零售商的批发价格不仅与各自的利润分配系数相关,而且随着订购量的变化而变化;实现全局协调的基础上,系统的完美协调取决于利润分配系数的取值。 It deals with the coordination with a three-level SC by the quantity discount contract. Firstly, the contract parameters and the optimal order quantity are determined with the channel coordination in the supply chain; then, the parameters of allocating profit are proposed for the perfect coordination; lastly, from the numerical experimentation, it concludes that : the trade prices of the manufacturer and the retailer are related to the parameters of allocating profit, and they are related to the order quantity; on the basis of the channel coordination, the perfect coordination of the system is decided by the parameters of profit allocating.
出处 《工业工程》 2008年第2期25-28,共4页 Industrial Engineering Journal
关键词 供应链 契约 数量折扣 supply chain contract quantity discount
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