
Dendritic grain growth simulation in weld pool of nickel base alloy

Dendritic grain growth simulation in weld pool of nickel base alloy
摘要 Dendritic grain growth at the edge of the weld pool is simulated using a stochastic numerical model of cellular automaton algorithm. The grain growth miodel is established based upon the balance of solute in the solid/liquid interface of the dendrite tip. Considering the complicated nucleation condition and competitive growth, the dendrite moiphologies of different nucleation condition are simulated. The simulated results reproduced the dendrite grain evolution process at the edge of the weld pool. It is indicated that the nucleation condition is an important factor influencing the grain morphologies especially the morphologies of secondary and tertiary arms. Dendritic grain growth at the edge of the weld pool is simulated using a stochastic numerical model of cellular automaton algorithm. The grain growth miodel is established based upon the balance of solute in the solid/liquid interface of the dendrite tip. Considering the complicated nucleation condition and competitive growth, the dendrite moiphologies of different nucleation condition are simulated. The simulated results reproduced the dendrite grain evolution process at the edge of the weld pool. It is indicated that the nucleation condition is an important factor influencing the grain morphologies especially the morphologies of secondary and tertiary arms.
出处 《China Welding》 EI CAS 2008年第1期6-11,共6页 中国焊接(英文版)
基金 The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No 50775112
关键词 microstructure simulation dendritic grain growth weld pool cellular automaton microstructure simulation, dendritic grain growth, weld pool, cellular automaton
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