Three exopolysaccharide (EPS )deficient mutants NA-01, 02, 04(Exo- ) isolated from wild Rhizobium as-tragali strains 107 showed no ability toinduce nodule formation on the roots ofAstagalus sinicus L. From plasmid exoR'-11 which could complement thesethree mutants, a 2. 6 kb DNA fragmentwas cloned (Fig. 2) using 3. 1 kb fragment from mutant site of NA-01 asprobe (Figs. 1, 3). It was shown thatthe 2. 6 kb fragment did not only fullycomplemented the EPS phenotype ofeach of the three mutunts, but also restored its ability to induce Fix- noduleformation as did the wild-type strain107 (Fig. 4 ). After Tns site--directedmutugenesis, the 2. 6 kb DNA withTn5 insertion lost such complementationability. Therefore, we could concludethat 2. 6 kb DNA fragment containedthe exo gene which complements thethree mutants.