随着Adhoc网络传输多媒体业务需求的增加,高服务质量(QoS)的保证变得越来越重要。而由于Ad hoc网络本身的拓扑变化性和无线信道共享性特点,支持QoS的要求却是一项极具挑战性的任务,路由协议的QoS路由是急需解决的问题之一。本文着重研究了优化状态链路路由协议(OLSR Protocol)的QoS路由改进机制,从QoS约束路由的资源估计、信息的收集管理和路由的建立和维护等三个方面入手,分析了现有的QoS路由改进方案并加以比较,进而指出这些改进存在的问题和以后研究的方向。
In recent years, the need to provide support for multimedia services has raised certain research issues concerning Quality of Services ( QoS ). Because of device mobility in MANETs and the shared nature of the wireless medium, it is challenging to offer QoS. In this paper, we present a survey of the current research that has addressed the basic concepts and the implementation of QoS routing in the ad hoe networks, and in particular, Optimized Link State Routing Protocol( OLSR ). At the end, we point out the future work.
Journal of Chengdu Electromechanical College