
企业社会责任标准对企业发展的双刃剑效应分析 被引量:2

摘要 本文通过对社会责任标准即SA8000认证概念和内容,分析了实施该认证可能对我国出口企业产生的三种不利影响,同时指出实施这一标准的长期积极效应,即:有利于贯彻"以人为本"的科学发展观,同时有利于企业不断提高经营管理水平并提高国际形象,最终有利于提高产品质量和形成持续发展的核心竞争力。 The present article intends to elaborate the Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000), and anticipate the impact of its implementation on the Chinese impart & export business. Meanwhile the author explicitly points out that the implementation of SAS000 has a significant and positive effect on the long- term economic sustainability. It is in favor of the people- oriented scientific development point of view; it will reinforce enterprises' management capability; it is effective for increasing product quality and, above all, it is also significant to formulate a competitive advantage for sustainable development.
作者 张武保
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 2008年第2期39-41,共3页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
关键词 SA8000 社会责任认证 科学发展观 SA8000 social responsibility verification scientific development point of view
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