本田即将向市场推出的"上市版"燃料电池车FCX Clarity是属于批量生产的燃料电池车,并将于今年夏天,首批100辆在美国加利福尼亚州以租赁形式投放市场。按日本租赁的方式分为两种,一种称为rent,一般指短期出租;另一种是指中长期租售lease,租用期较长,数年不论。至于用到何时,或再转让给用户,支付多少费用另当别论。
Honda is going to launch the "come into the market" fuel cell vehicle FCX Clarity, it is a volume production fuel cell vehicle. The first batch of 100 vehicles will be for rent in California, US, in this summer. The leasehold method as Japanese style is divide into two ways, one is "rent" , means in short term, another is lease, means in medium-long term. Leasing term is longer and no limited. How much will be paid by negotiation when lease finished or transferred to user.
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