目的:评价不同增稠载体过氧化脲(carbamide peroxide,CP)漂白剂的短期全身毒性,并与同类商品漂白剂进行比较。方法:将以卡波姆(carbopol)或聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)为增稠载体的10%CP和10%Opalescence(OP)漂白凝胶制备成20%的水溶液,实验组白鼠按5ml/kg经口途径给服,对照组按同等标准给服等量蒸馏水,持续7天,通过临床体征、食物利用率、体重相对增长率以及病理表现来评价受试材料的短期全身毒性。结果:实验组白鼠的食物利用率在给药周与对照组的差值在20%以上,说明受试材料对机体有毒,在观察周差值降到20%以下,对机体无毒;实验组和对照组的体重相对增长率在给药周和观察周均有显著差异(P<0.05),各实验组间的体重相对增长率在给药周和观察周均无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论:以Carbopol或PVP为增稠载体的10%CP漂白剂和OP10%漂白凝胶短期内应用对机体有毒,但无长期损害。
Objective To evaluate short term systemic toxicity of CP bleaching agents with different carriers, and to compare the result with commercial bleaching gels of the same kinds. Methods Making 20% bleaching water solution by using 10% CP with Carbopol or PVP as carriers and 10% Opalescence (OP). Experiment rats were perfused the bleaching solution by 5ml/kg via oral route continually for seven days, control rats were perfused distilled water according to equal standard, then combine clinical signs, food utilization rate and pathology to evaluate the short term systemic toxicity of the lab rats. Results During experimental period there are greater than 20% difference of food utilization between experimental rat group and control group, this indicates the toxicity of bleaching solution, the difference decreased to less than 20% during observation period,there is no toxicity; there are significant difference of relative weight gaining rate between the two rat groups during the experimental time and observation period (P〉0.05). Conclusion Opalescence 10% bleaching gel and 10% CP bleaching agents with Carbopol pr PVP as thickening carriers can cause short term body toxicity but the effect does not last for longer term.
Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
carbamide peroxide(cp)
toxicity study