以Windows2000为平台,利用C++Builder5.0和MS SQL Server2000完成部门综合管理系统的设计。其系统功能包括:查询功能、新增数据、数据修改、报表处理、数据库的备份与恢复、系统安全维护等。实践表明,该系统可大大提高部门综合管理水平和效率,应用范围广泛。
Take Windows2000 as platform and use C++Builder 5.0 and MS SQL Server2000 to design the integrated department managing system. Its functions include query, adding data, modifying data, report forms, database's backup and restoring, along with system secure maintenance and so on. Indicated by practice, the system can improve the level and efficiency of the integrated department management and has extensive application.
Ordnance Industry Automation