制备并研究了室温离子液体和血红蛋白修饰电极的电化学行为.在磷酸缓冲溶液中,在HB/IL/BPG修饰电极上可观察到一对可逆的氧化还原峰存在,其氧化、还原峰电位分别位于0.014V和-0.038V(vs.A g/A gCl),室温离子液体——溴化1-(3-氨基丙基)-3-甲基咪唑对血红蛋白的直接电化学表现出明显的促进作用.进一步实验表明,吸附于电极表面的血红蛋白能保持其生物活性,对氧气的电化学还原表现出明显的催化作用,构建了定量测定氧气的生物传感器,方法检出限为4.23×10-8 mol·L-1。
Direct electrochemical response of Hemoglobin (Hb) at a Hb/IL/BPG electrode could be observed in phosphate buffer solution, whose anodic and cathodic peak potentials were at -0.038 V and 0. 014 V (vs. Ag/AgCk, KCl-sat), respectively. Here, room temperature ionic liquid, 1 - (3 -aminopropyl) -3 - methylimidazolium bromide, played an obvious promotion for the direct electron transfer between Hb and the basal plane graphite (BPG) electrode. Furthermore, Hb adsorbed on the BPG electrode surface behaved an elegant catalytic activity for electrochemical reduction of oxygen. Based on these, an unmediated biosensor for oxygen was developed to directly detect the concentration of oxygen in phosphate buffer solution with a limit of detection of 4.23×10^-8 M.
Journal of Huaibei Coal Industry Teachers College(Natural Science edition)