During the interview,NPC Deputy and Mayor of Dalian City,Xia Deren said that the World Economic Forum(WEF) is one of the most influential non-gov- ernmental organizations in the world.With the top 1000 enterprises as its members,these transnational enterprises control over 85 percent of global wealth and have an aggregate annual revenue exceeding US$4.5 trillion.Every year,more than 2000 dele- gates from governments and business circles attend this Forum to discuss hot issues covering politics, the economy and culture.The Forum discusses
During the interview, NPC Deputy and Mayor of Dalian City, Xia Deren said that the World Economic Forum (WEF) is one of the most influential non-gov-ernmental organizations in the world. With the top 1000 enterprises as its members, these transnational enterprises control over 85 percent of global wealth and have an aggregate annual revenue exceeding US$4.5 trillion. Every year,