研究多自由度Van der Pol型非线性振动系统振幅增大的控制,设计反馈控制器,用数值方法对控制系统的幅值进行了计算,绘制了在不同控制参数下,系统响应的时间历程曲线和极限环.研究表明通过调整控制参数,能够增大极限环的幅值,有工程应用价值,对高维系统的分岔控制研究有一定的理论意义.
To enlarge the amplitude of limit cycle of Van der Pol type with multi degree of freedom systems, the control method was studied and the feedback controllers were designed. The vibration amplitude of the controlled system was calculated by using the numerical analysis, dand the time displacement curve and the phase trajectory of system responses were drawn based on the different control parameter. The research demonstrates that the amplitude of limit cycle can be e application and has theoretical help to by means of adjusting the control gain. This work has value in engineering the bifurcation control research of high dimension nonlinear systems.
Journal of Dynamics and Control