使用溶胶凝胶法制备了M型六角铁氧体,测量了铁氧体和短切碳纤维复合材料在Ku波段的电磁参数,并根据电磁参数设计了双层吸波材料.结果表明:M型铁氧体复合材料的介电损耗和磁损耗都比较小,而短切碳纤维复合材料具有较高的介电损耗;内外层材料相同但厚度不同的双层复合材料表现出不同的微波吸收特性,其中,内层为M型铁氧体复合材料、外层为碳纤维复合材料、层厚分别为1.5 mm和0.5 mm的双层复合材料,表现出优良的微波吸收性能,反射率在-10 dB以下的有效带宽覆盖了整个Ku波段,最大吸收位于15.3 GHz处,反射率约为23.0 dB.
M-type hexaferrite was prepared via Sol-gel method. Electromagnetic parameters of the ferrite and short carbon fiber composites were measured at Ku waveband, and double-layer absorbing composites were designed according to the parameters. The results show that dielectric loss and magnetic loss of the M-type ferrite composite are all low, and dielectric loss of short carbon fiber composite is high. It is also discovered that double-layer absorbers are different in absorption because they are different in the thickness of inner layer of ferrite and outer layer of carbon composite, and absorption of the absorber with 1.5 mm thick inner layer and 0.5 mm thick outer layer is excellent. The bandwidth with reflectivity of less than - 10dB covered all of Ku waveband, and peak value is - 23 dB at about 15.3 GHz.
Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science