
瑞典早期教育中的探索性活动解读 被引量:1

Analyzing the Explorative Activity in Early Childhood Education in Sweden
摘要 探索性活动已成为瑞典早期教育的主导性教学方式。瑞典早期教育中的探索性活动具有一系列特点:探索性活动关注儿童的自然生成性发展;最近发展区成为探索性活动的关键性前提;教师是探索性活动的组织者和促进者;合作小组使儿童在探索性活动中互相学习和共同学习;性别教育是探索性活动中不可避免的问题;环境为探索性活动呈现丰富的契机和展示的平台;家长和社区在探索性活动中组建合作性团队。 The explorative activity is the main teaching mode in early childhood education in Sweden. The explorative activity in early childhood education in Sweden has a series of characteristics as follows: it focuses on the natural development of the children;the zone of proximal development is the key prerequisite of the explorative activity;a teacher is the organizer and promoter of the explorative activity;corporative team makes children learn fi:om and learn with in the explorative activity;gender education is the inevitable problem in the explorative activity;environment presents rich opportunities and presentational platform of the explorative activity;families and communities make the corporative teams in the explorative activity.
作者 周平
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期55-59,共5页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 瑞典 早期教育 探索性活动 Sweden early childhood education the explorative activity
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