
影响香港运动员在国际重大比赛中运动表现的因素:教练员与运动员的对比研究 被引量:2

Comparative Study of Coaches and Athletes on Variables Influencing Hong Kong Athletes' Performance at International Major Competitions
摘要 采用问卷调查的方式,对教练员认为在2002年亚运会与2004年奥运会比赛前90天内、比赛期间影响香港运动员运动表现及香港教练员的执教效果的因素进行了调查。并在此基础上,将研究结果与运动员研究结果进行比较。研究参与者为14名参加过2002年亚运会和11名参加过2004年奥运会的香港运动队的教练员。结果表明,在影响因素的内容上,教练员与运动员提到的影响因素具有非常大的一致性,但同时也有部分未被运动员提到的因素在教练员研究中出现,这些发现对运动员研究结果是一个重要的补充。影响执教效果因素的研究表明,在亚运会与奥运会前的90天内,影响教练员执教效果的因素共有8条,其中,有5条对教练员亚运会的执教效果有强烈影响,有4条对教练员奥运会的执教效果有强烈影响;在亚运会与奥运会比赛期间,共有10条因素对教练员的执教效果有影响,其中,有5条对教练员亚运会比赛的执教效果有强烈影响,有3条对教练员奥运会比赛的执教效果有强烈影响。 The purposes of this study were to investigate the specific variables perceived by coaches that influencing Hong Kong athletes ' performance and coaching effectiveness at the 2002 Asian Games and the 2004 Olympic Games and to compare the results with those from a same kind study conducted for athletes. Subjects were 25 coaches, of which 14 were taking part in the Asian Games while 11 were taking part in the Olympic Games. Comparing the results with those obtained from athletes, it is found that there were many variables which have influence on athletes' performance were perceived by both athletes and coaches. These findings offer important complementary information to the previous study conducted for athletes. The results on coaching effectiveness showed that there were 8 variables identified to have influences on coaching effectiveness within 90 days prior to both the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. Amongst the 8 variables, 5 showed strong effects at the Olympic Games, whereas 4 showed strong effects at the Asian Games. During the Asian Games and the Olympic Games, there was total 10 variables identified to have influences on coaching effectiveness at the Games, of which, 5 showed strong effects at the Asian Games, whereas 3 showed strong effects at the Olympic Games.
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期39-45,85,共8页 China Sport Science
关键词 运动表现 影响因素 奥运会 亚运会 优秀运动员 教练员 执教效果 香港 sport performance influence variable Olympic Games Asian Games elite athlete coaching effectiveness
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