

Find particle in Sinai billiards’eigenvalues and probability distribution with numerical method
摘要 运用边界积分方法(boundary integral method,简称BIM)求解Sinai台球低能区的能谱及其相应的本征态波函数.将Sinai台球和1/4 Sinai台球对应能量的本征态波函数进行对照,由于两者对称性的显著差异,故其部分能级的本征态波函数表现出明显的不同. The author calculates the eigen-values and eigenwave functions of Sinai billiard at low energies with BIM (the boundary integral method). Eigen-wave functions of Sinai billiard are compared with 1/4 Sinai billiard. Due to the apparent difference in their symmetry, the author finds that some eigenwave functions of them at the same energy are very different.
出处 《扬州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2008年第1期19-23,共5页 Journal of Yangzhou University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 边界积分方法 能级 Sinai台球 波函数 boundary integral method eigenstate Sinai billiard eigen-wave function
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