
口中狠反假 笔端常失真——余秋雨记忆文学《借我一生》质疑 被引量:1

A Query of Yu Qiuli's Jie Wo Yi Sheng
摘要 文化名人余秋雨新作《借我一生》自称为记忆文学。反对虚假倡导真实是作者欲以此书献给其父辈和同代的初衷和向世人的承诺。然而从实际叙写来看,却出现了不少舛误。诸如:神童式的学龄;幼年就开始义务为乡民服务的奇举;自己不屑仕途却接连受命的悖论;冒用伟人经典话语;不能正视前妻与女儿的存在等比普通虚假更加世俗不堪的瑕疵。这其实是难以脱俗之文人劣根性的无意彰显。 In his newly-released work fie Wo Yi Sheng, referred to as a literary book of memory by Yu himself, Yu Qiuli aimed to dedicate this book to his elders and contemporaries with the original intention and promise of upholding genuineness and opposing falsehood. However, quite a few fallacies have been identified as regards the actual narrative in the book, such as the school age of a child prodigy; the queer conduct of voluntarily serving villagers at an early age ; the paradox of consistently accepting appointments despite his little concern for an official career; the reckless quotation of great men' s classic remarks; and the despicable act of unwillingness to face up to the existence of his ex-wife and his daughter, etc. As a matter of fact, the abovementioned aspects are the inadvertent revelation of the inherent weakness of the worldly scholar.
作者 王志尧
出处 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第5期105-109,共5页 Journal of Hainan Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 余秋雨 《借我一生》 反对虚假 世俗 劣根性 Yu Qiuli Jie Wo Yi Sheng objection to falsehood worldliness the inherent weakness
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  • 1余秋雨.借我一生[M]作家出版社,2004.
  • 2中共中央文献研究室.关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议注释本[M]人民出版社,1983.
  • 3毛泽东.在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话[M]人民出版社,1953.


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