

The Openning of Imagination Room:Interaction between"New Historiography"and New Fiction
摘要 历史叙述和文学叙述与近代民族国家的建构密切相关。1902年,梁启超发表《新史学》和提倡新小说,为沟通两种叙述进行了大胆设计:以小说作为历史教科书的设想,充实、重塑了中国小说的思想内涵;掘微新史学与新小说在文体及书法上的链接点,使新小说在文章学的层面被推上文学之最上乘的地位。两者共同开创的想象空间发挥着民族认同的巨大作用,但在新史未出、史学不振的当时,梁启超更为重视小说的想象魔力,新小说承担了更多的民族建构责任,并由此导致中国小说新与旧、传统与现代的转型。打通新史学和新小说的通道.是梁启超为启蒙话语谋求沟通形式的巨大转型的思维结果。钩沉两者的互动,有助于人们了解晚清小说改良运动从学术思想到文学想象的独特思路。 Liang Qichao's lauching New Fiction was internally related to "New Historiography" that had been published earlier the same year. Through the two medium, he initiated tow revolution in the circles of historiography and literature nearly at the same time. The aim was improving the management by the masses themselvse, and evolution of nation. This reflected that he took New Historiography as the headway of thought, and New Fiction as the inspiration of psychotoghy by intent. His intention was turning New Fiction into the good tool of pushing ahead with trend of nationalism though, and precipitating it to play the role of inspiration. In 1902, Liang Qichao pushed ahead with the nationalism by publishing "New Histori- ography" and lauching New Fiction. Looking from the aspect of literature, the interaction between them was strong. 1. It reflected Liang Qichao's enlightenment narrative tactics that took fiction as history text- book; 2. They searching for the common narration "writing method", made New fiction being pushed on the uppest chancel of literature at the sense of articleology. 3. The imagination room that was opened up by them played great role of national identification, but Liang Qichao more relied on the imagination magic power of fiction, so he made it take on greater responsibity for national construction, and opened the new literature field of imagining China through fiction. Searching after the interaction between them would contribute us to understand some unique thought way in the beginning of fiction reformation movement of Late Qing dynasty.
作者 李青果
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期97-103,共7页 Academic Monthly
关键词 梁启超《新史学》新小说“书法”群治 想象空间 Liang Qichao, "New Historiography", New Fiction, writting method, mass management, imagination room
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