
近红外线在糖尿病周围神经病变及下肢溃疡中的应用 被引量:3

The Efficacy of Monochromatic (Anodyne Device) Nearinfrared Photoenergy (MIRE) in Treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy with Improved Sensation and Foot Ulceration
摘要 目的:探讨近红外线治疗仪(安诺血管神经治疗仪)在糖尿病周围神经病变及下肢溃疡中的应用价值。方法:对31例经SWM单纤维丝检查,密歇根神经病变评估法(MNSI)证实患者有糖尿病周围神经病变和/或下肢溃疡的患者。在3周内接受了15次近红外线的治疗,观察他们是否有感觉功能的改变及溃疡的促愈合作用。结果:所有患者的感觉功能较治疗前均有所改善。(14/31)45%的受试者恢复了完整的冷热感觉辨别能力。4例足部溃疡患者经红外线治疗后与传统清创湿敷患者作比较创面修复愈合速度有明显提高,所有受试者均无出现新的皮肤损伤。结论:近红外线应用于糖尿病周围神经病变及下肢溃疡是一种安全有效的无创伤的辅助治疗方法。 Objective: To discuss the efficacy of Monochromatic (Anodyne Device) nearinfrared photoenergy(MIRE) in treating diabetic peripheral neuropathy with improved sensation and foot ulceration. Methods: 31 patients were subjected to Semmes-Weinstein Monofilament(SWM) , Michigan Neuropathy screening instrument(MNSI) proved that they had Diabetic neuropathy and foot ulceration. In total of 3 weeks duration, they received Anodyne therapy for 15 times. They were closely observed for changes in sensation and ulcer healing. Results: All the patients improved sensation after the therapy, ( 14/31 ) 45% of the patients could discriminate hot and cold sensation,4 of the patients using Anodyne, the ulcer healed quicker than the traditional cleaning and wound debridement, no of the patients had new skin lesions. Conclusions: Anodyne System is safe, effective and non-traumatic therapy in the treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy and the ulcers.
出处 《实用医学进修杂志》 2008年第1期48-51,共4页 Journal of Practical Training of Medicine
关键词 近红外线 糖尿病 周围神经病变 SWM单纤维丝 MNSI monochromatic nearinfrared photoenergy diabetic peripheral neuropathy semmes-weinstein monofilament(SWM) MNSI
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