
量子控制 被引量:1

Quantum Control
摘要 给出量子控制的概念、理论及未来可能的应用.人类长期希望控制物质微观的量子状态,特别是波函数的控制.目前量子控制的主要进展是利用脉冲激光"整形"来控制光与物质的相互作用、控制原子分子的微观态,从而控制化学反应或量子跃迁的概率. The concept, theory and possible application in future of quantum control are given in this paper. The human hope to control microscopic quantum state of the matter,especially wave function. At present,the development of quantum control is using pulse laser "the reshaping" to control the infer effect between light and material,to control the microscopic state of atom and molecule, so as to control the probability of chemical response or quantum transition.
出处 《甘肃联合大学学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第2期45-47,共3页 Journal of Gansu Lianhe University :Natural Sciences
关键词 量子控制 量子态 波函数 反馈控制 quantum control quantum state wave function feedback control
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