
醋酸--醋酸铵缓冲体系中柠檬酸对高岭石的溶解特征 被引量:3

Dissolution of Kaolinite Induced by Citric Acid in HAc-NH4Ac Buffer Solution
摘要 采用间歇法(batch method)模拟研究醋酸-醋酸铵缓冲体系中柠檬酸对高岭石的溶解特征。结果表明:反应液中Al、Si浓度随柠檬酸浓度提高、反应液pH降低及反应时间的推移而增加;且低浓度柠檬酸(1mmol L-1)时,随着酸度的升高,配体促进溶解速率(RL)减小;高浓度柠檬酸(≥5mmol L-1)时,随着酸度的升高,配体促进溶解速率(RL)增加,但增幅随pH的降低而大幅减弱;且随着酸度的升高,配体对高岭石溶解的贡献相对减弱,但相对于质子,本试验柠檬酸浓度及酸度范围内,其对高岭石溶解的贡献仍是主要的。 The experiment was conducted to investigate the dissolution characteristics of Kaolinite induced by citric acids with batch method in HAc-NH,Ac buffer solution. The results showed the concentrations of Al and Si from Kaolinite increased with concentrations of citric acids and acidity of reactive solution and reactive time. Ligand-promoted Kaolinite dissolution rates(RL) declined with the acidity enhancement when the concentration of citric acids was lower 1mM. The rates(RL) enhanced with the acidity enhancement when the concentration of citric acids was not less than 5mM. The contribution of Ligand-promoted Kaolinite dissolution was lower with the acidity enhancement, but was primary compared with that of proton-promoted Kaolinite.
出处 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期325-328,共4页 Chinese Journal of Soil Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(40371067) 中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX3-SW-417和ISSASIP0208)
关键词 高岭石 柠檬酸 配体 质子 Kaolinite Citric acid Ligand Proton
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