通过青蒿素、大蒜素、四环素、新胂凡钠明、青霉素、链霉素、磺胺嘧啶对附红细胞体病患犬治疗效果比较,结果表明,青蒿素、大蒜素同四环素、新胂凡钠明均能有效地抑制和杀灭附红细胞体病原,具有显著的疗效,其治愈率分别为 100%、90%、90%和 80%;而青霉素、链霉素、磺胺嘧啶对附红细胞体病治疗无效,青蒿素、大蒜素应用于治疗大附红细胞体病的成功,为发掘祖国宝贵的医学遗产,避免和减少四环素、新胂凡钠明等药物毒副作用对机体的危害,为治疗人类附红细胞体病提供临床实用的依据。
The relative efficacy of arteanninum, allicinum, telracyclmum, neoarsphenamine, penicillinum G,stre-plomycini sulfas,sulfadiazinum in dogs with eperythroxoonosis was compared in this study. The results showed thai arteaiminum, allicinum, tetracyclinum and neoarsphenamine have obviously therapeutic effect in inhibiting and sterilizing eperythrozoon, but penicillinum G,streplornycini sulfas and suliadiazinum do not. Curative rate oi art eanninum.ailicinum, tetracyclinum and neoarsphenamine is 100% ,90% ,80% ,80% respectively. The success ol arteanninum and allicinum in the treatment of eperyihrozaonosis provided a new applicable way and a theoretical and practical basis for exploring the precious legacy of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology, a void ing arid decreasing poisonous and side effect of tetracyclinum and neoarsphenamine, and treating human eperythro-xoonosis.