
AOD终渣对镁钙质炉衬侵蚀的实验研究 被引量:1

Research on erosion of AOD final slag to MgO-CaO refractory
摘要 研究了AOD终渣的碱度、MgO含量、CaF2加入量和Al2O3加入量对镁钙炉衬侵蚀的影响,比较了相同成分炉渣对不同CaO含量的镁钙质坩埚侵蚀情况,并利用扫描电镜对耐材的反应层进行能谱分析,研究结果表明:炉渣碱度是对镁钙质炉衬侵蚀最重要的影响因素,增加炉渣碱度可以明显降低对炉衬的侵蚀;增加渣中MgO含量和减少CaF2加入量也可降低对炉衬的侵蚀;增加镁钙质耐材中的CaO含量,其抗CaO-SiO2-MgO渣的能力增加。 The influence of the slag basicity, MgO, CaF2 and Al2O3 content in AOD final slag on erosion of MgO-CaO lining is investigated. The erosion of the same slag onto the MgO-CaO crucible with different CaO content is compared. The reaction layer of slagrefractory is analyzed by means of the Scanning Electron Microscope. The results show that the slag basicity is the most important factor to MgO-CaO lining erosion. The erosion is remarkably reduced with the increase of basicity, and with the increase of MgO content or the decrease of CaF2 content in slag. It is also observed that the erosion resistance to CaO-SiO2-MgO slag is enhanced with the increase of CaO content in MgO-CaO refractory.
出处 《炼钢》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第2期26-29,共4页 Steelmaking
关键词 AOD 炉渣 镁钙炉衬 侵蚀 AOD slag MgO-CaO refractory erosion
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