Spectrum of the venical velocity fluctuations for the height interval in which anenormously strong horizontal wind velocity and an extremely large wind shear areobserved indicates some qulte important fetas. (1) The spectrum shows two regions,one at lower frequencies has spectral slope of -1.65, which is close to -5/3 expectedin an inenial subrange, the other at higher frequencies has spectral slope of-7. 11,which is close to -7 expected in a viscous subrange. (2) The spectrum has abreakpoint which occurs at about 70m. This observation is in good agreement withthe inner scale calculated. (3) Tuthulence energy dissipahon rate obtained from thespectrum is about 0.087 W/kg, which is about an order of magnitud higher thanthose measured during the MAP/ WINE campaign.
Spectrum of the venical velocity fluctuations for the height interval in which anenormously strong horizontal wind velocity and an extremely large wind shear areobserved indicates some qulte important fetas. (1) The spectrum shows two regions,one at lower frequencies has spectral slope of -1.65, which is close to -5/3 expectedin an inenial subrange, the other at higher frequencies has spectral slope of-7. 11,which is close to -7 expected in a viscous subrange. (2) The spectrum has abreakpoint which occurs at about 70m. This observation is in good agreement withthe inner scale calculated. (3) Tuthulence energy dissipahon rate obtained from thespectrum is about 0.087 W/kg, which is about an order of magnitud higher thanthose measured during the MAP/ WINE campaign.
Chinese Journal of Space Science