
CR屏幕阅读与CR胶片阅读的对比分析 被引量:1

To Analylize the Coherence of the Computed Radiography(CR) Soft-copy Reading and Hard-copy Reading
摘要 目的:对CR屏幕阅读与CR胶片阅读诊断的一致性进行分析。方法:回顾性选取200份CR胶片阅读的存档资料,进行CR屏幕阅读,将两者结果进行对比分析。结果:CR屏幕阅读与CR胶片阅读分别诊断正确191例、194例,Kappa值为0.8483。结论:CR屏幕阅读与CR胶片阅读的诊断结果具有一致性。 Objective. To evaluae the coherence of the computed radiography(CR) soft-copy reading and hard-copy reading. Method. 200 cases of CR hard-copy reading were selected retrospectively and were reread with CR soft-copy reading. The coherence of the CR soft-copy reading and hard-copy reading results was analyzed. Result: The diagnosis was accurate in 191 and 194 cases respectively with CR soft-copy reading and hard-copy reading,the Kappa value was 0. 8483. Conclusion: The CR soft-copy reading is as accurate as the CR hard-copy reading.
作者 谢瑞刚
出处 《数理医药学杂志》 2008年第2期166-169,共4页 Journal of Mathematical Medicine
关键词 CR屏幕阅读 CR胶片阅读 soft-copy reading hard-copy reading computed radiography(CR)
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