It remains unclear about the intermediate construction of chromosome due to its highly compact nature and the limitation in methods.
The present study was designed to investigate the construction of chromatin and mitotic chromosome in situ with scanning electron microscopy. Mouse testes were selected as the material, because of in which the spermatogenic cells divide actively and successively to form the sperm. Such a feature would be able to study the structure of mammalian chromatin and chromosomes along with the change of nuclear cycle. The animal were perfused with 200ml of 0.075 mol/L KC1 hypo-tonic solution to remove blood and placed for 15-20 min on ice followed by 0.5% glutaraldehyde and 0.5% formaldehyde for fixing. Through treated by the routine process of fractured and freeze dried with t-butyl alcohol, the specimens were then
coated with a 3 nm thick platinum and observed with Hitachi S-430 scanning electron microscopy. It was found that the hypotonic treatment with 0.075 mol/L KC1 solution was suit for demonstrating the nuclear structure, when the organelles were well preserved. The chromatin fibers of 10-30 nm and 80-125 nm in diameter could be recognized in the interphase nuclei, which were arranged losely at the region of euchromatin, and folded with each other into chromatin masses at the region of heterochromatin, while the chromatin fibers with the diameter of 80-125 nm often could be viewed on the mitotic chromosomes. Since its presence in interphase nuclei and mitotic chromosomes, it was considered that the chroma-tin fibers with 80-125 nm in diameter might play a role in the condensation of chromosome, serve as a type of the intermediate structure.
Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica
Chromatin. Chromosome. Ultrastructure. Scanning electron microscopy.