利用面向对象技术、数据库技术,用Borland C++Builder 6.0开发了稀土永磁同步电动机CAD系统。用二维有限元法对磁场进行计算,将混合粒子群优化算法引入到电机优化设计之中。在中文Windows环境下运行,界面友好、操作简便。将CAD结果与测试数据比较,二者相吻合。
This paper states the development of a CAD system of the rare earth permanent magnetic synchronous motor( REPMSM ) designed by using Borland C ++ Builder 6.0 ,the OPP,and database technology. The magnetic field in the motor is analysed by finite element method and hybrid particle swarm optimization(HPSO) is applied to optimum design, The CAD system runs under Chinese Windows and it is easy to operate with friendly interface. The CAD result is compared with the experimental data, the resuit is consented.
Computer and Modernization