
农民工与艾滋病有关的性态度性行为调查研究 被引量:17

Study on Sexual Attitude and Behavior Among Migrant Workers
摘要 目的了解农民工与艾滋病有关的性态度、性行为现状,为开展农民工人群预防和控制高危性行为及艾滋病的健康教育提供基线资料。方法采用方便整群抽样的方法对西安市9大建筑工地符合入选标准的936名男性农民工进行与艾滋病有关的性态度、性行为问卷调查。结果农民工性态度的总分为10.5±4.1;19.8%同意或非常同意婚前性行为,12.7%同意或非常同意婚外性行为,10.1%同意或非常同志多个性伙伴,4.9%同意或非常同意卖淫,6.4%同意或非常同意嫖娼。在已婚农民工中,27.1%有婚外性伙伴,48.9%初次性行为在20~25岁,26.8%有2个及以上性伙伴;69.4%初次性行为时不使用安全套,43.1%不知道如何正确使用安全套,53.9%性生活时自己不愿意使用安全套,51.7%性生活时性伙伴不愿使用安全套,47.0%与配偶性生活时从不使用安全套;20.6%与配偶性生活时不知道使用安全套的目的;婚外性行为时47.0%从不使用安全套,仅16.1%知道使用安全套的目的;性行为前自己及其性伙伴饮酒、吸毒分别占23.0%和9.2%。在未婚农民工中,62.2%有过性行为,44.3%初次性行为年龄〈20岁,47.8%有2个及以上性伙伴;89.4%初次性行为时不使用安全套,67.0%不会正确使用安全套,31.1%性生活时自己不愿意使用安全套,25.2%性生活时性伴侣不愿意使用安全套;婚外性行为时43.6%从不使用安全套,16.2%不知道使用安全套的目的;性行为前自己及其性伙伴饮酒及吸毒分别占45.1%和12.6%。结论农民工人群中有相当数量的人对婚前、婚外多性伴性行为和卖淫、嫖娼等商业性性行为比较宽容和开放,农民工人群中婚外、婚前及多性伴性行为的发生率较高,发生婚前、婚外及多性伴性行为时避孕套的使用率及正确使用率低,加强农民工有关预防性病、艾滋痛的健康教育刻不容缓。 Objective To investigate the sexual attitude and behavior of migrant workers in order to get the base-line data for future study in controlling HIV/AIDS. Methods A convenient cluster sampling method was used to select 936 migrant workers in 9 architecture sites in Xi'an city. A set of questionnaires were used to collect the data on sexual attitudes and behaviors. Results The mean score of the total sexual attitude was 10.5±4. 1; 19.8% agreed sexual behavior before marriage; 12. 7% agreed extramarital sexual behavior; 10. 1% agreed to have multiple sexual partners; 4.9% agreed prostitution and 6.4% agreed to look for prostitute. In the married migrant workers, 27.1% had extramarital sexual behavior. In 48.9% the first sexual behavior happened in 20-25 years old. 26.8% had multiple sexual partners. 69.4% didn't use condoms in their first sexual behavior, 43.1 % didn't know how to use condoms, 53.9% themselves didn't like using condoms and in 51. 7% their sexual partners didn't like using condoms when they had sexual beha-vior. 47.0% have never used condoms and 20.6% didn't know the aim of using condoms when they had sexual beha-vior with their wife. 47.0% didn't use condoms and only 16. 1% know the aim of using condoms when they had extramariatal sexual behavior. 23.0% have drunk and 9.2% had drug abuse before sexual behavior. In the unmarried migrant workers, 62.2 % had sexual behavior before marriage and 44.3 % had the first sexual behavior under 20 years old, 47.8% had multiple sexual partners, 89. 4% didn't use condoms in their first sexual behavior, 67.0% didn't know how to use condoms, 31. 1 % themselves didn't like using condoms and in 25.2% their sexual partners didn't like using condoms when they had sexual behavior, 43.6% have never used condoms and 16.2% haven't known the aim of using condoms when they had extramariatal sexual behavior, 45. 1% have drunk and 12.6% had drug abuse before sexual behavior. Conclusion The sexual attitude of migrant workers outside the marriage, before marriage, and multiple sexual partners was tolerant. The incidence of migrant workers' behaviors of sex outside the marriage, before marriage and multiple sexual partners is comparatively high, and the usage of the condoms is low. The prevention program on sex and HIV/AIDS among migrar/t workers should be developed immediately.
出处 《护理学杂志(综合版)》 2008年第4期1-4,共4页 Journal of Nursing Science
关键词 农民工 艾滋病 性态度 性行为 数据收集 migrant worker HIV/AIDS sexual attitude sexual behavior data collection
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