
国外知识共享氛围理论研究述评 被引量:12

Knowledge Sharing Climate: A Literature Review
摘要 知识共享氛围对知识共享具有重要的促进作用。知识共享氛围的前因可以归纳为个人因素、领导角色、组织软环境因素、组织事务等四个方面的内容,其结果主要表现为对组织成员的行为和组织整体效能的影响。在对知识共享氛围理论进行全面述评的基础上,对将来的研究趋势作了初步探讨。 Knowledge sharing climate plays an important role to facilitate knowledge sharing. The antecedents of knowledge sharing climate can be generalized as personal factor, leader roles, organizational infrastructure and events, and consequences of knowledge sharing climate could be shown as the influence on employee behavior and organizational efficiency. Based on the systemic review, authors pilots on the trends of research on the knowledge-sharing climate.
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期112-115,共4页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70571070)
关键词 知识共享氛围 测量方法 前因 结果 knowledge sharing climate measurement methods antecedents and consequences
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