
牙槽突裂骨移植稳定性的研究进展 被引量:8

Current studies on the stability of bone transplantation in the patients with alveolar clefts
摘要 牙槽突裂自体骨移植术是目前常用的修复唇腭裂患者牙槽突骨缺损的手术方法,但术后常存在植入骨再吸收现象。植骨时机、植入骨骨源、裂隙的结构、牙周健康状况和术后并发症等多种因素对手术成功率均有影响,通过加入生长因子和牵引成骨等方法,可增加移植骨的稳定性。作者就有关影响植入骨稳定性的因素及增加移植骨稳定性方法的研究进展作一综述。 [Summary] Autogenous bone transplantation is widely used for alveoloplasty. But bone resorption is frequently observed. Treatment timing, sources of donor bone, structure of clefts, periodontal condition and postoperative complications can influence the stability of alveolar bone grafting. Distraction osteogenesis and growth factors are utilized in bone grafting to resolve some of the above-stated problems. This paper reviewed the factors influencing the stability of bone transplantation with in the patients alveolar clefts and mortality to reduce bone resorption.
出处 《中国口腔颌面外科杂志》 CAS 2008年第2期146-149,共4页 China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
关键词 腭裂 骨移植 牙槽突裂修复术 骨再吸收 Cleft palate Bone transplantation Alveoloplasty Bone resorption
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