
一种改进的双边带调制产生光毫米波的方案 被引量:24

A Novel Scheme for Optical Millimeter-Wave Generation Based on Double-Sideband Modulation
摘要 提出了应用于光纤无线通信系统中一种改进的双边带调制产生光毫米波方案。在中心站采用强度调制将射频信号调制到光载波上产生一个双边带信号,滤掉中心载波后,利用光交叉复用器把双边带信号的上下边带模分开,将数据速率为2.5Gbit/s的基带信号调制到下边带模后,再与未调信号耦合后产生光毫米波,然后通过单模光纤传输至基站,在基站经过光电转换后产生电毫米波信号。从理论上对该毫米波的色散特性进行了分析,发现毫米波的接收功率不会周期的衰减。同时通过实验研究表明,下行链路信号通过光纤能传输50km而不需要色散补偿,功率代价小于1dBm。因此,该方法产生的光毫米波能有效克服光纤色散引起的信号时延而导致的基带信号退化,适合于远距离传输。 A novel scheme for optical millimeter-wave generation with double-sideband (DSB) modulation by external modulator in a radio-over-fiber (ROF) system was proposed. At the central station, a CW lightwave was intensity-modulated by the RF signal to generate DSB signal. After the pure optical carrier was filtered, an optical interleaver was employed to separate the spectrum of the upper sideband and the lower sideband of the generated DSB signal. After the lower sideband signal was modulated with a baseband data at 2.5 Gbit/s, it was recombined with the unmodulated signal to generate optical millimeter wave, and then transmitted to the base station over single-mode fiber (SMF). In the base station, the electrical millimeter wave signal was generated by O/E conversion. The dispersion performance of the generated mm-wave is theoretically analysed, it can immune the fading effect. The experimental results show that the downlink data signals can transmit over 50 km fiber without dispersion compensation, and the power penalty is less than 1 dBm. So the generated optical millimeter wave by proposed method can effectively reduce baseband signal degeneration caused by the time shift of the code edges because of fiber dispersion, it is suitable for long distance transmission.
出处 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期238-242,共5页 Acta Optica Sinica
基金 国家教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20040532005) 湖南省自然科学基金(06JJ50108) 教育部光通信和光波技术重点实验室(北京邮电大学)开放基金资助课题
关键词 光纤无线通信 光毫米波产生 双边带调制 光纤色散 光交叉复用器 radio over fiber (ROF) optical millimeter-wave generation double-sideband modulation fiber dispersion optical interleaver
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