
员工-组织关系、内在动机与员工创造性——中国企业的实证研究 被引量:15

Employee-Organization Relationship, Intrinsic Motivation and Creativity: Evidence from Chinese Companies
摘要 从自我决定理论的逻辑分析视角出发,分析并论证了不同员工-组织关系对员工创造性和内在动机的差异化影响,同时分析并论证了内在动机对员工-组织关系模式与创造性之间关系的中介作用。以534名中国企业员工为样本,本文的验证结果表明:不同的员工-组织关系对员工的创造性和内在动机的影响是不同的,其中组织中心型关系模式下的员工创造性和内在动机表现均为最高,而工作中心型关系模式下的员工创造性和内在动机表现均为最低;内在动机对组织中心型关系模式与员工创造性之间的关系和工作中心型关系模式与员工创造性之间的关系均具有部分中介作用。随后,分析了本文研究结果的理论意义和实践意义,并指出了本文研究的局限性和下一步的研究方向。 The study examines the effect of employee-organization relationship (EOR) on employee creativity and its intrinsic motivation psychological mechanism. Using a sample of 534 employees from 10 Chinese companies, we find that the mutual investment (organization-focused) EOR approach relates to the highest level of creativity and intrinsic motivation, the quasi-spot-contract (job-focused) EOR relates to the lowest level of creativity and intrinsic motivation, and the intrinsic motivation partially mediates the contribution of the mutual investment EOR to creativity, and the influence of the quasi-spot-contract EOR to creativity. Based on these findings, the implications for research and practice are discussed.
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 2008年第3期16-24,49,共10页 Management Review
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(79830010) 教育部"十五"社科研究规划资助项目(01JA630034)
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