目的建立丹参舒心胶囊中丹参素钠的含量测定方法。方法色谱柱:Kromasil C18柱;流动相:乙腈-1.2%冰醋酸(9:91);检测波长:280nm;流速:1.0mL·min^-1。结果丹参素钠线性范围为23.2~232μg·mL^-1,相关系数r为0.9997,回收率为98.96%,RSD为1.59%。结论本方法简便、可靠、重现性较好,能起到控制丹参舒心胶囊中丹参素钠含量的作用。
OBJECTIVE To establish an HPLC method for determination of danshensu sodium in Danshen Shuxin Capsule. METHODS Danshensu sodium in Danshen Shuxin Capsule was determined by HPLC,using Kromasil C18 column,acetonitrile-1. 2% acetic acid (9 : 91) as mobile phase,the detection wavelength was 280nm. The flow rate was 1.0mL · min ^-1 RESULTS The linear range of danshensu sodium was ,93.2-232μg, mL ^-1,coefficient correlation rwas 0.9997,thc average recovery was 98.96 %, RSD = 1.59 %. CONCLUSION The method was simple, rapid, accurate and repreatablc. It can be used for determination of danshensu sodium in Danshen Shuxin Capsule.
qilu pharmaceutical affairs