
以呼吸速率为基础活性污泥抑制动力学常数的测定研究 被引量:1

Study on measurement of inhibition kinetic constant based on respiration rate in activated sludge process
摘要 通过对活性污泥不同抑制情况下呼吸速率变化的分析,对不同的抑制类型提出了利用呼吸速率确定抑制动力学模型中动力学常数的不同方法。产物抑制通过已知起始浓度和呼吸速率曲线,来构建以1/KP′为斜率,KS为截距的直线方程来求解KS和抑制常数。底物抑制先通过呼吸速率求解最值点的底物浓度,然后根据呼吸速率变化最大值点的关系公式求解抑制常数的方法。竞争性抑制和非竞争性抑制通过求解等速点底物浓度的方法求解抑制常数。对于非竞争性抑制还可以通过简单的最大呼吸速率比值法来求解抑制常数。同时选择非竞争性抑制进行了试验验证和常数求解。最终通过2种方法得到葡萄糖降解时NaC l的抑制常数为20.2 g/L,或者0.02倍的KS。 In this article, through theoretical analysis about respiration rate of different inhibition in activated sludge process, different kinds of measurement methods of inhibition kinetic constant on different inhibition are put forward based on respiration rate. The inhibition kinetic constant of product inhibition and Ks is get through the line fitting. The line, of which the slope and interception is 1/K'e and Ks respectively, is constructed with the known starting concentration of substrate and the curve of respiration rate. In the course of solution of substrate inhibition constant, the substrate concentration on the maximum of respiration rate is calculated firstly and the kinetic constant of substrate inhibition is solved through the relation equation on the maximum of respiration rate. The inhibition kinetic constant about competitive and non-competitive inhibition is figured out by calculating the substrate concentration on the same speed point. The another way of non-competitive inhibition is the ratio method of maximal respiration rate. At the same time, inhibition kinetic constant of non-competitive inhibition is testified by force of a experiment. Finally, the inhibition kinetic constant of NaCl inhibition on degradation of glucose is 20.2 g/L, or 0.02Ks which are calculated by the three different methods.
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期493-497,共5页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
关键词 呼吸速率 抑制动力学 抑制常数 活性污泥 respiration rate inhibition kinetics inhibition kinetic constant activated sludge
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