
用于卫星探测X、γ射线的大灵敏面积CdZnTe探测器的研发 被引量:10

Development of Large Area CdZnTe Detector for Satellite Detection of X and γ-rays
摘要 CdZnTe(CZT)探测器不需要低温制冷就可在30-600keV较宽的能量范围内得到较好的空间和能量分辨,已成为研究宇宙空间X、γ射线场重要的探测器。本工作研究将4个甄别级10mm×10mm×5mm CZT平面探测器进行改制,并将其并联拼接成20mm×20mm×5mm较大面积的CZT探测器。经测试,大面积CZT探测器对125^I、241^Am、57^Co、133^Ba、137^Cs具有较好的能量线性响应,对137^Cs的662keV7射线有较好的能量分辨。 CdZnTe (CZT) detector achieves excellent spatial and energy resolution in the broad energy range from 30 keV to 600 keV without cooling. Thus, CZT detector becomes a major detector used to research the field of X and γ-ray in space and astronomy. The present research concerns in the modified structure of discriminator grade planar CZT detector with the size of 10 mm× 10 mm×5 mm and the development of large area detector composed of four individual 10 mm× 10 mm×5 mm Frisch-grid CZT detector. Good linear energy response to 125^I,241^Am, 57^Co, 133^Ba, 137^Cs γ-ray and good energy resolution for 137^Cs γ-ray were achieved for the developed large area CZT detector.
出处 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期149-154,共6页 Atomic Energy Science and Technology
关键词 大面积CZT探测器 弗里希栅CZT探测器 能量分辨 large area CZT detector Frisch-grid CZT detector energy resolution
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