
产品模块化模型与标准化 被引量:2

The Model of Product Modularization and Standardization
摘要 产品模块化动态地反映了产品整体型结构和模块型结构的创新,也直接影响着企业对标准化产品战略的选择。本文依据经营结构理论指出了模块化产品应具备的基本属性,并进一步就影响产品模块化程度的参数进行了系统分析。通过企业新应用部件与产品模块化程度相关关系的确立,揭示出了产品模块化程度的运动规律,为企业产品标准化等战略选择提供了理性认识。 It is the product modularization that influences the strategic choice of product standardization. Based on product architecture theory, this article points out the basic character, and gives a systematical analysis about the factors of degrees of modularization. With defining the corresponding relationship between the volumes of new to the form components, it points out the changing rules of degree of product modularization, and brings about a reasonable view to the strategic choice of the product standardization.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第7期37-42,共6页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
关键词 产品结构 产品模块化 标准化 兼容性 product architecture product modularization standardization compatibility
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