
铝镁锰合金屋面板的试验研究及设计分析 被引量:8

Experiment Study and Design Analysis of Aluminum-magnesium-manganese Alloy Roof Panel
摘要 研究直立锁边点支承的铝镁锰合金屋面板的实用设计方法。进行铝镁锰合金屋面板的正向及反向承载力试验,根据试验观察的破坏类型和特征,并结合相关计算理论进行设计分析。试验现象及试验数据表明,铝镁锰合金屋面板的正向加载破坏主要是弯剪共同作用的结果;反向加载的破坏形式是铝合金支座和板面的连接破坏,且承载力低。经试验数据和设计公式计算数据比对发现,虽同为薄壁金属构件,针对薄壁钢结构的设计公式用于计算铝合金薄板时误差很大。 The design method of aluminium-magnesium-manganese alloy standing seam roof systems is discussed. The positive and negative uniform load tests on the roof systems are done. The mechanic characteristic and failure models of them are observed, and the design method is analyzed combined relevant theory. According to the test phenomena and data, under positive loading the failure of roof systems is the result of combined shear force and bending; under negative loading the failure of roof systems is the seam connections unclosed suddenly, and the resistance is smaller than that under positive loading. According to the comparison of test data and the result of several design formulas, the result of design formula for cold-formed thin-wall steel has large wrong, if it is used to design aluminium alloy panel.
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期69-72,共4页 Building Structure
关键词 点支承 铝合金 屋面板 试验研究 设计研究 point support aluminum alloy roof experiment study design study
  • 相关文献


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